Campaign Groups – Health
NHS Support Federation: Collect evidence about what is happening to the NHS, through research and by talking to the public and NHS staff. Communicate the evidence through the media, local networks and by creating websites. Create campaigns to improve the support for the NHS, or change the way that it is organised and crucially, to protect its founding principles, whoever is in government. Work with local communities. Often this is where services can be protected or improved, through local intervention. Help local people build community campaigns to influence the future of their NHS.
NHS for Sale?: Keeps collecting and presenting the evidence about what’s happening to our NHS
Keep Our NHS Public: Aimed at ending privatisation of our NHS and keeping it a publicly owned and accountable service, free for all at the point of delivery. They will not be realised unless plans to break up the NHS then switch the most profitable parts of it to private health companies while under-funding the rest are stopped.
Doctors for the NHS: Doctors campaigning for the restoration of the NHS as a publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable service. This means: Abandoning the market-based policies in England of the last 20 years; Abolishing the artificial separation into “purchaser” and “provider” which is breaking our health service apart; Opposing the increasing cuts to service and systematic replacement of NHS services with private providers: which is being done for ideological, not financial or “efficiency-saving” reasons.
Open Democracy – Our NHS: Bring together and help resource existing networks, campaigns, bloggers, journalists, unions, activists, patient groups, health bodies, academics and concerned citizens who want to save the NHS, providing a hub for debate, reporting, campaigning and strategy-building.
We Own It – Public Ownership NHS: See a world where public services are run for people, not profit – whether that’s water or energy, care work or council services. Campaigning against privatisation. Making the case for public ownership
Save Care Now: Thousands of care workers are deeply concerned about the state of the care sector in the UK, but many are afraid to speak out publicly as they risk losing their jobs. It’s time to listen to them. Save Care Now is a UNISON campaign to raise the voices of homecare workers and improve the homecare sector.
Mental Health Foundation: Dedicated to finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems.